Residential / Commercial / Municipal / Agricultural

1-800-450-6172 or 507-281-2840
We are small enough to care and big enough to service the most challenging projects!

Well Drilling | PWD
Industrial / Municipality

Well Construction | PWD
There are four major steps involved in constructing a well: drilling the hole, installing the casing, well development, and pump installation.
A new well starts with a hole bored into the ground. The upper hole contains the casing. The casing provides structural stability which prevents the collapse of the walls and prevents contaminants from entering the water supply. It also provides housing for the pump and the pipe which moves the water from the pump to the surface. A drive shoe (a round thick piece of steel) is welded to the bottom of the casing to prevent damage during driving and to make a good seal with the formation. After the casing is installed, the space between it and the hole is pumped with a grout to prevent contaminants from traveling down alongside the casing into the lower section of the well. The lower hole below the casing is the intake through which the water enters the well. The intake may be an open hole or screened and gravel packed depending upon the geologic conditions.
Once the well is completed it is pumped to develop the well and properly disinfected until it is ready to hook up.
Note: 90% of our new wells are a constant pressure/variable frequency drive system.
*Water wells supply more than half of this country's drinking water to over 40 million Americans. A private well supply is a good-long term asset and adds value to your property.

Once the drilling rig is set up the drilling process may last from a few hours to a day or two depending on the formations that are encountered. During the drilling, the driller keeps a detailed well log of the drill cuttings that are obtained and files this information with the MN Department of Health. Once the borehole is drilled, the driller installs the well casing, usually PVC pipe, and develops and disinfects the well. The well is developed to clean the borehole and casing of drilling fluid by surging water or air in and out of the well screen openings. Chlorine is added to disinfect the well and it is sealed with a water tight cap until the pump is installed.
Well Sealing | PWD
Minnesota rules and regulations require that all unused wells are permanently sealed. Peterson Well can help you with all your well sealing needs and services.